Getting Connected
A Place For You To Grow

In 2022 we launched our discipleship process focused on moving believers to deeper and deeper levels of faith and service. Our church is structured around each step of this process and helping you find your next steps in a stronger commitment to him. We believe that step one of being a disciple is Adoring God. Adoring God means more than having a mild emotional connection to him, it means to love him enough to trust and follow him and his commands. Our Sunday morning services are built around focusing our hearts on him and learning how to follow him. Step two of our process is Bridging Gaps. To bridge a gap means to connect with other believers in proximity to you, specifically in a local church. This is the focus of our small groups that we call Bridge Crews. We believe that God designed us to grow in groups of believers who we can build up and who can build us up. The final step of our discipleship process is Cultivating The Kingdom. To cultivate means to foster the growth of a crop. At Ramsey Heights we exist to foster the growth of God’s Kingdom and we believe that you have a unique set of skills given to you by God to do just that! Our service groups are designed to help you find a place to serve God using the talents he has given you. Our goal is to make it easy and teach you the necessity of moving to the next stage of loving God.

We know that your first experience with us will most likely be joining us for our regularly scheduled Worship Services Sunday mornings at 11. During this time we set aside all of the worries of daily life and take time to focus on God’s goodness and Grace through worship and a message from our Pastor. Think of this time as your opportunity to re-connect to God and recharge for the upcoming week. As you join us expect to find a traditional service with contemporary elements sprinkled in.

We offer several different opportunities for you to engage in studies that help you grow your connection with God. Small group studies are a great way to get connected with others and start building relationships that will strengthen your faith. Whether it is our small group studies on Sunday mornings or our Wednesday night group study we hope to engage in God’s word together sharing our thoughts and growing through discussion into how God’s instructions for us can be applied into our daily lives. 

As a parent you are constantly wondering how how to improve your children’s understanding of God. How do I teach them to love Him? How do I protect them from all of the hurt in the world? While we don’t have every answer we want you to know that we share your love and concern for your children. Teaching the children in our church has always been a priority for us. When you join us Ramsey Heights during worship or small groups we also have places for your child to learn at their own level with a teacher who will love them like their own.

A Place For You To Serve

Personal Ministry
As you come to join us, we hope that we find a way to meet the needs of you and your family. As we do so, we invite you to find your place to serve others. We believe that God has equipted you with a special set of tools for you to work in your own personal ministry. Whether its working with kids, serving in our welcoming ministry, or working on service projects within our community we are excited for the opportunity to help you find your own place of service. Our disipleship structure encourges each person in attendce to find a service group and use your own talents to build the Kingdom of God

Operation Christmas Child
One of our favorite ministries at Ramsey Heights is Operation Christmas Child. Each year we partner with Samaritan’s Purse to pack shoe boxes with toys, clothing items, and school supplies for underprivileged children around the world. When the shoeboxes are delivered the Gospel is shared with the children and the their families in their native language. Each year millions of people hear about the love of Jesus Christ through this ministry and we are proud to be apart of that effort. Over the years we have sent boxes to Panama, Ecuador, Lesotho, Gabon and more! Each month we collect specific items and store them away until November when we have our packing party. Everyone is invited to join in the great joy of working on this project. Look for a list of our monthly collection items when you join us.

Bring One Feed One
In the 1970’s Ramsey Heights was placed in our current location to serve the communities of Riverview and Clearview and surrounding areas. One of the ways we serve our community is through our Bring One Feed One ministry that provides food for free to anyone in need. Our food pantry is accessible 24/7 and stocked periodically throughout the week to make sure families have access to food anytime. To join us in taking care of our communities simply bring non-perishable food items to our collection center anytime you join us for study or worship.

In 2018 we felt like God was calling us to give more to his Kingdom across the world. With the blessing of financial security, we decided that we could contribute more money to missions nationally and worldwide. While all giving is beneficial to building the Kingdom of God we decided to send 10% of all Ramsey Heights’ giving to missionaries to help support their work for God. After becoming debt free in 2021 we increaded our missions giving to 12%. When you give at Ramsey Heights your money is immediately impacting the world for God by supporting the men and women who travel across the world to share the Gospel.